About Us

About Vruksham Foundation

VRUKSHAM FOUNDATION is a registered charitable organization (REG.NO:105/2012) in india,formed this year and is dedicated to bring appreciable changes in the lives of children, aged and suffering people especially those who are poor and helpless. When itcomes to children through the promotion of proper health care,basic education,a healthy environment,livelihood opportunities,participation in decisions and provision of basic human needs to them and their families,Vruksham brings about sustainable developments in their lives.When it comes to aged people,vruksham helps in offering basic life necessities such as food,clothing,shelter & medical assistances through homes and compaigns.With its efficient and professional program team Vruksham promises to be a better caretaker during individual and public emergencies.Vruksham foundation is an independent organization with no religious,political or governmental affiliations.VRUKSHAM aims at bringing lasting changes in every single life that restsunder its shadow.